Internet Marketing Strategy for Local Biz: Your Step-by-Step Guide

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Got an Internet marketing strategy for your local Biz? Well, most locally based businesses don’t. But if you are interested in attracting new customers and getting more from the ones you already have through a sound Internet marketing strategy, read on.

Why should you have strategies of marketing on internet for your local business? Because, more and more, the Internet is your customers’ primary source of information – locally and globally – making a good Internet marketing strategy more important than ever.

Without a business marketing strategy on the internet, you will never know what you may be missing. You are leaving the door open for your competitors. Without an Internet marketing strategy, you have no hope of being heard amongst the clutter.

Here is where strategies of marketing on Internet are most critical: Many people research a product or service on the Internet, then contact a business or go to a local store to buy. Without an Internet marketing strategy, you are not even in the running… they’ve already made up their minds. You must present the case for your products and services with an online strategy that puts you in front of customers when they are doing the research, not after they have made a decision.

Your Website is the Foundation

An integral part of your Internet marketing strategy is a well-written, expertly crafted website that not only sells your product or service but also advances your online strategies .
Set yourself up for Internet marketing strategy success by developing the right website. Your website designer can help your business marketing strategies by optimizing your website for search engines. This involves tools such as meta-tags, keywords, and other design features that garner you a higher rank on results pages. Also, make sure your website has a content management system that allows you to make changes as your Internet marketing strategy changes.

Link Yourself to Other Reputable Sites

Another online strategy is to link to as many other reputable, high-traffic websites as you can. Search engines will see your website linked to many other websites that have a lot of traffic and will rank you higher, one of the main goals of your Internet marketing strategy.

Begin Your SEM (Search Engine Marketing) Program

Search engine marketing is an integral part of your Internet marketing strategy. It involves online marketing strategies methods such as paid advertising on other sites and pay-per-click, where you can specify how much you will pay to come up on the results pages for a certain search term.
Finding the right keywords to bid on is critical to your success. Google’s AdWords can galvanize your Internet marketing strategy by walking you through the process of placing pay-per-click advertising on keywords people use to find what they need.

Monitoring and Tweaking Your Internet Marketing Strategy

Your strategies of marketing online require constant evaluation. Once again, Google can help. Google’s analytics program (have your website designer set this up for you) is a great reporting tool: You can monitor and analyze your traffic daily in order to maximize your marketing campaigns.

Don’t Be Afraid to Change Your Internet Marketing Strategy

Most importantly, don’t be afraid to incorporate new elements into your Business marketing strategies. Your marketing plans, like the Internet itself, should be fluid and changeable.

Internet marketing strategy represents one of the most cost-effective opportunities for growth. Well chosen and planned, you can achieve your goals—no question about it.


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